Life is simple in childhood, playing with friends, gazing with curiosity at a wondrous world, trusting your instincts and dreaming of what you are going to do when you grow up – when anything is possible!

We don’t know then about the advertising, societal pressures and adult norms that are going to try and turn us into a perfect someone we aren’t, to compete with others, when we’d been happy playing with them and to earn and buy more, so that we can supposedly become happier than we were as carefree children. Life soon becomes about how we spend our money than how we spend our time.

But that isn’t true.

I’ve enjoyed my life by never losing my simple childlike mindset and enthusiasm for the world.

I’ve learned a lot about the simplest ways to succeed - and not through the ways we are taught - but I’ve also learned the rich are no more contented than anyone else.

No one teaches us, except experience, that a simple, happy life isn’t achieved by spending money but by spending time with others. Full lives don’t need full bank accounts, the most enjoyable times are often the simplest and cheapest. This is a far less stressful, healthier and happier way to live.

Deep down, we all know that though. It’s in our nature. It’s the demands on us to fit into society, that can make us lose sight of it.

With our always-on access to information on screens, we are rapidly becoming half robot, so, whilst we battle for the natural planet, let’s not lose what is critical to human nature, our feelings and behaviours, common to us all, that create those moments of connection that keep our world going round.

In this complicated world living with a childlike mindset might seem trite but happiness, fun, right and wrong, good and bad aren’t complicated. Society makes us question this, question ourselves, question each other, struggle with our mental health. But human nature is simple, to work and play with each other should be simple.

Niow is the time to trust your own natural childlike instincts and live life as you feel in your gut you want to, to have less stuff and stress but more fun, conversations, adventures, contentment and even success.

Please join us.

Chris :)

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